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Semiconductor Metal–Organic Frameworks: Future Low Bandgap Materials
Advanced Materials 2017, 29, 1605071.
Muhammad Usman, Shruti Mendiratta, and Kuang-Lieh Lu*


Metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) with low density, high porosity, and easy tunability of functionality and structural properties, represent potential candidates for use as semiconductor materials. The rapid development of the semiconductor industry and the continuous miniaturization of feature sizes of integrated circuits toward the nanometer (nm) scale require novel semiconductor materials instead of traditional materials like silicon, germanium, and gallium arsenide etc. MOFs with advantageous properties of both the inorganic and the organic components promise to serve as the next generation of semiconductor materials for the microelectronics industry with the potential to be extremely stable, cheap, and mechanically flexible. Here, a perspective of recent research is provided, regarding the semiconducting properties of MOFs, bandgap studies, and their potential in microelectronic devices.

Semiconductor Metal–Organic Frameworks: Future Low Bandgap Materials