吳台偉 (David  Tai-Wei  Wu)


吳台偉 (David Tai-Wei Wu)



所長(110年迄今) ;研究員(110年迄今);科羅拉多礦業學校化學生物工程系暨化學及地球化學系教授(2011-)、副教授(2002-2011)、助理教授(1996-2002);科羅拉多礦業學校化學及地球化學系系主任(2012-2017);科羅拉多礦業學校水合物研究中心副主任(2009-2014);國立台灣大學訪問教授(8/2017-7/2018, 5/2019-8/2019)、訪問副研究員((8/2010-7/2011);加州大學聖巴巴拉分校化工系博士後研究員(1993-1996);英國劍橋大學物理系博士後研究員(1991-1993);加州大學伯克萊分校化學系博士(1991);哈佛大學化學系學士(1985);中國石油大學中國111項目“海洋石油與天然氣工程學科”外國專家(2017-2022);台灣國科會訪問副研究員(2010);
  1. Sum A.K., Wu D.T., Yasuoka K. Energy science of clathrate hydrates: Simulation-based advances MRS Bull. 2011, 36, 205.
  2. Lu N., Zeidman B.D., Luck M.T., Wilson C.S., Wu D.T. A Monte Carlo paradigm for capillarity in porous media Geophysical Research Letters 2010, 37.
  3. Rutkevych P.P., Ramanarayan H., Wu D.T. Optimizing the computational efficiency of surface tension estimates in molecular dynamics simulations Computational Materials Science 2010, 49, S95.
  4. Lusk M.T., Wu D.T., Carr L.D. Graphene nanoengineering and the inverse Stone-Thrower-Wales defect Physical Review B 2010, 81.
  5. Walsh M.R., Koh C.A., Sloan E.D., Sum A.K., Wu D.T. Microsecond Simulations of Spontaneous Methane Hydrate Nucleation and Growth Science 2009, 326, 1095.
  6. X-ray Scattering of Vinyl Polyolefin Liquids and Random Copolymers: Theory and Experiment, Huimin Li, John G. Curro, and David T. Wu, Macromolecules, 41, 2694-2700, (2008).
  7. Tight-binding molecular dynamics study of the role of defects on carbon nanotube moduli and failure, R. Haskins, R. Maier, R. Ebeling, C. Marsh, D. Majure, A. Bednar, C. Welch, B. Barker, and David Wu, Journal of Chemical Physics, 127, 074702, (2007).
  8. The Effects of Branch Points and Chain Ends on the Thermodynamic Interaction Parameter in Binary Blends of Regularly-Branched and Linear Polymers, Jae S. Lee, Mark D. Foster, and David T. Wu, Macromolecules 39, 5113-5121, (2006).
  9. Direct Measurement of Colloidal Particle Rotation and Field Dependence in Alternating Current Electrohydrodynamic Flows, Jesus Santana-Solano, David T. Wu, and David W.M. Marr, Langmuir, 22, 5932-5936, (2006).
  10. Hysteresis of Matric Suction and Capillary Stress in Monodisperse Disk-Shaped Particles,Jeremy Lechamn, Ning Lu, and David T. Wu, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 132, 565-577, (2006).
