- 金屬蛋白基礎研究在生物催化與生物逆境感應的應用
本團隊在金屬蛋白的研究應用上,目前專注於直鏈烷烴與芳香烴等基質化合物,在常溫常壓條件下,其位置選擇性與立體選擇性的氧化,而轉化的方法,亦同時兼顧高轉化效能與原子經濟等效應。基質轉化專一性,是酵素反應型態的重要優勢,而金屬單甲加氧酶的高選擇性活性,則往往訴諸於其基質活性中心口袋周遭的分子特徵,如非鍵結的分子間作用力如氫鍵、靜電作用力與凡德瓦作用力(Chem. Eur. J. 2011&2013, Tetrahedron Lett. 2011 and J. Inorg. Biochem. 2014);我們為了更進一步解析其效能,利用分子生物學/基因轉殖等方法,重新設計假單孢菌中之辛烷羥基化酶(非紫質雙鐵)與巨大芽孢桿菌所取得之細胞色素P450(鐵紫質)的活性中心口袋,讓這兩種酵素得以有效率地進行天然氣分子中,丙烷與/或丁烷分子內,分別進行一級與二級碳上的碳氫鍵活化(Chem. Eur. J. 2017 and Sci. Reports, 2017)。透過這些成果,讓我們得以找出這些單加氧酶,進行氧化官能基化的反應機構,亦可協助我們設計新型態奈米尺度的生物擬態催化材料或觸媒,以進行高惰性碳氫化合物的活化。
經過蛋白質工程與基因轉殖方法可改質巨大芽孢桿菌內的細胞色素P450 BM3得以進行正丁烷二級碳的選擇性氧化生成二級醇超氧感應轉錄因子(SoxR),是一種同質二聚體,其中,每一個單體,含有一個雙鐵雙硫活性中心,來感應原核生物內氧化逆境的訊息,這個蛋白在細菌中,可以做一個電子的氧化,從順鐵磁性的[FeII-FeIII],轉換成為反鐵磁性的[FeIII-FeIII],同時誘導soxS基因的表達,伴隨數個其下游基因如超氧化物歧化酶或過氧化氫酶的生成,以抵抗氧化逆境的危害。 然而,超氧感應轉錄因子亦可感應一氧化氮,以產生亞硝基化的錯化活性中心,由低溫電子順磁光譜,單一SoxR蛋白可產生約二當量的擬態小分子雙亞硝基鐵硫錯合物的譜線訊號,伴隨X光吸收光譜其延伸X光精細結構(EXAFS)數據呈現雙鐵中心其後向散射訊號,無法明確解析,以及原先鐵硫中心在圓二色光譜數據,於300-600 nm所呈現掌性光學活性的特質,也在亞硝基化的過程中消失等無機化學光譜數據的結果顯示: 在亞硝基化後,超氧感應轉錄因子的雙鐵雙硫的活性中心,被分裂成為兩個單一雙亞硝基鐵錯化中心;從更進一步的實驗數據驗證,這個錯化中心,亦會透過氧化還原的過程,轉換為其他亞硝基錯化物,如反磁性的陰離子型態魯辛紅酯(Roussin's red ester (RRE))與其具順磁性的還原型態之魯辛紅酯(reduced Roussin's red ester (rRRE))。因此,在亞硝基逆境下,我們認為亞硝基化的超氧感應轉錄因子,亦可同時感應在胞內可擴散的氧化物、如超氧離子活性物質以及去氧核醣核酸上損傷或斷片,以降低這些細胞毒性物質對原核微生物所造成的危害。(Chem. Eur. J. 2012)
大腸桿菌內超氧感應轉錄因子在氧化與亞硝基逆境的生物無機化學研究 - 奈米仿生擬態系統應用於碳氫化合物的選擇性氧化
我們最近發現一系列新穎有機-無機複合奈米粒子催化材料觸媒,可利用鐵/銅鹽在乙腈溶液中,加入過氧化氫後產製 (Mol. Catal. 2017 and J. Catal. 2019)。這些仿生觸媒平台,能夠被有效率地控制,展現苯的特異選擇性,進行一次或二次的碳氫鍵氧化活化至苯酚或苯醌,甲苯進行sp3或sp2的一次或二次的碳氫鍵活化至苯甲醛、苯甲醇、苯甲酚暨甲基苯醌等。
穿透式電子顯微鏡觸媒材料影像本實驗室在未來,仍將以難以活化的碳氫化合物,其氧化官能基化的催化反應為研究主軸,運用永續可再生綠能(如太陽光電與風能),來驅動細菌性金屬單甲加氧酶/具金屬簇仿生特徵的奈米仿生材料等生物或仿生化學觸媒,針對甲烷,小分子烷烴與芳香烴等化合物,進行轉化 (Sci. Reports 2017 and Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018)。終極目標,期望可將這些基礎研究的成果,應用於新型態特用化學品與能源分子的產製上。
- "Chinese Chemical Society Annual Best Article Award 中國化學會最佳論文獎" (2005-12)
- Wanna, W. H.; Ramu, R.; Janmanchi, D.; Tsai, Y.-F.; Thiyagarajan, N.; Yu, S. S.-F. An Efficient and Recyclable Copper Nano-catalyst for the Selective Oxidation of Benzene to p-Benzoquinone (p-BQ) using H2O2(aq) in CH3CN. J. Catal. 2019, accepted.
- Thiyagarajan, N.; Janmanchi, D.; Tsai, Y.-F.; Wanna, W. H.; Ramu, R.; Chan, S. I.*; Zen, J.-M.;*, Yu, S. S.-F.* A Carbon Electrode Functionalized by a Tricopper Cluster Complex: Overcoming Overpotential and Production of Hydrogen Peroxide in the Oxygen Reduction Reaction. Angew. Chem.-Int. Ed., 2018, 57, 3612.
- Yang, C.-L.; Lin, C.-H.; Luo W.-I.; Lee, T.-L.; Ramu, R.; Ng, K. Y.; Tsai, Y. F.; Wei, G.-T.; Yu, S. S.-F.* Mechanistic Study for the Stereoselective Hydroxylation of [2-²H₁,3-²H₁]Butanes Catalyzed by Cytochrome P450 BM3 Variants. Chem. Eur. J. 2017, 23, 2571.
- Tsai, Y.-F.; Luo, W.-I.; Chang, J.-L; Chang, C.-W.; Ramu, R.; Choung, H.-C.; Wei, G.-T.; Zen, J.-M.*; Yu, S. S.-F.* Electrochemical Hydroxylation of C3-C12 n-Alkanes by a Recombinant Alkane Hydroxylase (AlkB) and its Redox Partner, Rubredoxin-2 (AlkG), from Pseudomonas putida GPo1. Sci. Reports 2017, 7(1), DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-08610-w.
- Ramu, R.; Wanna W. H.; Janmanchi, D.; Tsai, Y.-F.; Liu, C.-C.; Mou, C.-Y.; Yu, S. S.-F.* Selective Oxidation of Benzene and Toluene by Fe(ClO4)2 in an H2O2-H2O-CH3CN system. Mol. Catal. 2017, 441, 114.
- Chen, Y.-S.; Luo, W.-I.; Yang C.-L.; Tu, Y.-J.; Chang C.-W.; Chiang, C.-H.;Chang, C.-Y.; Chan, S. I.; Yu, S. S.-F.* Controlled Oxidation of Aliphatic C-H Bonds in Metallo-monooxygenases: Mechanistic Insights Derived from Studies on Deuterated and Fluorinated Hydrocarbons. J. Inorg. Biochem. 2014, 134, 118. (Early Career Focused Review, Cover Art)
- Chiang, C.-H.; Ramu, R.; Tu, Y.-J.; Yang, C.-L.; Ng, K. Y.; Luo, W.-I; Chen, C. H.; Lu, Y.-Y.; Liu, C.-L.; Yu, S. S.-F.* Regio-Selective Hydroxylation of C12-C15 Fatty Acids with Fluorine Substituents by Cytochrome P450 BM3. Chem.-Eur. J. 2013, 19, 13680. (highlighted as a frontispiece of the issue)
- Chen, Y.-S.; Luo W.-I.; Lee, T.-L.; Yu, S. S.-F.*; Chang, C.-Y.* Identification of the Proteins Required for Fatty Acid Desaturation in Zebrafish (Danio rerio). Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 2013, 440, 671.
- Lo, F.-C.; Lee, J.-F.; Liaw, W.-F.; Hsu, I-J.*; Chan, S. I.; Tsai, Y.-F.; Yu, S. S.-F.* The Metal Core Structures in the Recombinant Escherichia coli Transcriptional Factor SoxR. Chem.-Eur. J. 2012, 18, 2565.
- Wu, L.-L.; Yang, C.-L.; Lo, F.-C.; Chiang, C.-H.; Chang, C.-W.; Ng, K. Y.; Chou, H.-H.; Hung, H.-Y.; Chan, S. I.; Yu, S. S.-F.* Tuning the Regioselectivity and Stereoselectivity in C-H Activation of n-Octanes by Cytochrome P450 BM-3 with Fluorine Substituents. Evidence for Interactions between a C-F Bond with Aromatic pi-Systems. Chem. Eur. J. 2011, 17, 4774.
- Ramu, R.; Chang, C.-W.; Chou, H.-H.; Wu, L.-L.; Chiang, C.-H.; Yu, S. S.-F.* Regio-selective Hydroxylation of gem-Difluorinated Octanes by Alkane Hydroxylase (AlkB). Tetrahedron Lett. 2011, 52(23), 2950.
Update: 2019-01-07
- Chin Hong Soon, Ravi Varadharajulu Narendrakumar, Lin Zhi-Han, Hsu Chuan-Chih, Yu Steve S.-F.* Phosphoproteomic analysis reveals distinctive responses in Mangrovibacter phragmatis under high-salinity condition. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2024-08-08, 736, 150514.
- Thiyagarajan Natarajana, Sankar Arumugama, Yi-Fang Tsai, Asia Abou-taleb, Steve S.-F. Yu* Unveiling the enhanced electrochemical CO2 conversion: The role of 3D porous BiOCl with defects and CTAB-mediated nanosheets. JOURNAL OF CO2 UTILIZATION 2024-08-01, 85, 102888.
- Hong Soon Chin, Narendrakumar Ravi Varadharajulu, Zhi-Han Lin, Wen-Yu Chen, Zong-Han Zhang, Sankar Arumugam, Ching-Yen Lai, Steve S.-F. Yu* Isolation, molecular identification, and genomic analysis of Mangrovibacter phragmitis strain ASIOC01 from activated sludge harboring the bioremediation prowess of glycerol-and organic pollutants in high-salinity. FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY 2024-06-25, .
- Abay Tigist Ayalew, Wanna Wondemagegn H., Natarajan Thiyagarajan, Tsai Yi-Fang, Janmanchi Damodar, Jiang Jyh-Chiang*, Abu-Reziq Raed*, Yu Steve S.-F.* Selective oxidation of benzene by an iron oxide carbonaceous nanocatalyst prepared from iron perchlorate salts and hydrogen peroxide in benzene and acetonitrile. Molecular Catalysis 2022-06-01, 526, 112397.
- Yi-Fang Tsai, Thiyagarajan Natarajan, Zhi-Han Lin, I-Kuen Tsai, Damodar Janmanchi, Sunney I. Chan*, Steve S.-F. Yu* Voltage-Gated Electrocatalysis of Efficient and Selective Methane Oxidation by Tricopper Clusters under Ambient Conditions. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2022-05-27, 10.1021/jacs.2c01169.
- Sunney I. Chan*, Vincent C.‐C. Wang, Peter P.‐Y. Chen, Steve S.‐F. Yu* Methane oxidation by the copper methane monooxygenase: Before and after the cryogenic electron microscopy structure of particulate methane monooxygenase from <i>Methylococcus capsulatus</i> (Bath). Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society 2022-05-23, 1-12.
- Shih Shou-Ping, Lu Mei-Chin, El-Shazly Mohamed, Lin Yu-Hsuan, Chen Chun-Lin*, Yu Steve Sheng-Fa*, Liu Yi-Chang* The Antileukemic and Anti-Prostatic Effect of Aeroplysinin-1 Is Mediated through ROS-Induced Apoptosis via NOX Activation and Inhibition of HIF-1a Activity. Life 2022, 12(5), 687.
- Lu Yu‐Jhang, Janmanchi Damodar, Natarajan Thiyagarajan, Lin Zhi‐Han, Wanna Wondemagegn H., Hsu I‐Jui, Tzou Der‐Lii M., Ayalew Abay Tigist, Yu Steve S.‐F.* Silver Cyanide Powder‐Catalyzed Selective Epoxidation of Cyclohexene and Styrene with its Surface Activation by H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2(aq)</sub> and Assisted by CH <sub>3</sub>CN as a Non‐Innocent Solvent. ChemCatChem 2022, 14, e202200030-DOI: 10.1002/cctc.20.
- Chan Sunney I.*, Chang Wei-Hau*, Huang Shih-Hsin, Lin Hsin-Hung, Yu Steve S.-F.* Catalytic machinery of methane oxidation in particulate methane monooxygenase (pMMO). Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 2021-12, 225, 111602.
- Wu Danni, Carillo Kathleen Joyce, Shie Jiun-Jie, Yu Steve S.-F., Tzou Der-Lii M.* Resolving Entangled JH-H-Coupling Patterns for Steroidal Structure Determinations by NMR Spectroscopy. Molecules 2021, 26(9), 2643.
- Peng Bo-Rong, Lai Kuei-Hung, Lee Gene-Hsiang, Yu Steve Sheng-Fa, Duh Chang-Yih, Su Jui-Hsin, Zheng Li-Guo, Hwang Tsong-Long*, Sung Ping-Jyun* Scalarane-Type Sesterterpenoids from the Marine Sponge Lendenfeldia sp. Alleviate Inflammation in Human Neutrophils. Marine Drugs 2021, 19(10), 561.
- Chang W.-H.*, Lin H.-H., Tsai I-K., Huang S.-H., Chung S.-C., Tu I-P., Yu S. S.-F.*, Chan S. I.* Copper Centers in the Cryo-EM Structure of Particulate Methane Monooxygenase Reveal the Catalytic Machinery of Methane Oxidation. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2021, 143(26), 9922-9932.
- Chan Sunney I.*, Chuankhayan Phimonphan, Reddy Nareddy Pavan Kumar, Tsai I-Kuen, Tsai Yi-Fang, Chen Kelvin H.-C., Yu Steve S.-F.*, Chen Chun-Jung* Mechanism of Pyrroloquinoline Quinone-Dependent Hydride Transfer Chemistry from Spectroscopic and High-Resolution X-ray Structural Studies of the Methanol Dehydrogenase from Methylococcus capsulatus (Bath). Journal of the American Chemical Society 2021, 143(9), 3359-3372.
- Chan Sunney I.*, Yu Steve S.-F., Liu Chih-Cheng, Mou Chung-Yuan* Selective oxidation of light alkanes under mild conditions. Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry 2020, 22 39-46.
- Peng Bo-Rong, Lai Kuei-Hung, Chen You-Ying, Su Jui-Hsin, Huang Yusheng M., Chen Yu-Hsin, Lu Mei-Chin, Yu Steve Sheng-Fa*, Duh Chang-Yih*, Sung Ping-Jyun* Probing Anti-Proliferative 24-Homoscalaranes from a Sponge Lendenfeldia sp.. Marine Drugs 2020, 18(2), 76.
- Liu Chih-Cheng, Chou Hao-Ju, Lin Chan-Yi, Janmanchi Damodar, Chung Po-Wen, Mou Chung-Yuan, Yu Steve S.-F., Chan Sunney I*. The oversolubility of methane gas in nano-confined water in nanoporous silica materials. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 2020, 293 109793.
- Peng Bo-Rong, Lai Kuei-Hung, Chang Yu-Chia, Chen You-Ying, Su Jui-Hsin, Huang Yusheng M., Chen Po-Jen, Yu Steve Sheng-Fa*, Duh Chang-Yih*, Sung Ping-Jyun* Sponge-Derived 24-Homoscalaranes as Potent Anti-Inflammatory Agents. Marine Drugs 2020, 18(9), 434.
- Wanna Wondemagegn H., Janmanchi Damodar, Thiyagarajan Natarajan, Ramu Ravirala, Tsai Yi-Fang, Yu Steve S. F. Selective Oxidation of Simple Aromatics Catalyzed by Nano-Biomimetic Metal Oxide Catalysts: A Mini Review. Frontiers in Chemistry 2020, 8, 589178.
- Wanna Wondemagegn Hailemichael, Janmanchi Damodar, Thiyagarajan Natarajan, Ramu Ravirala, Tsai Yi-Fang, Pao Chih-Wen, Yu Steve S.-F.* Selective catalytic oxidation of benzene to phenol by a vanadium oxide nanorod (Vnr) catalyst in CH3CN using H2O2(aq) and pyrazine-2-carboxylic acid (PCA). New Journal of Chemistry 2019-10, 43(45) 17819-17830.
- Chan Sunney I.*, Yu Steve S.-F Copper protein constructs for methane oxidation. Nature Catalysis 2019-04, 2(4) 286-287.
- Liu Chih-Cheng, Tsai Yi-Fang, Mou Chung-Yuan*, Yu Steve S.-F., Chan Sunney I.* Dicopper Dioxygenase Model Immobilized in Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles for Toluene Oxidation: A Mechanism to Harness Both O Atoms of O2 for Catalysis. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2019-04, 123(17) 11032-11043.
- Yu-Jhang Lu, Mu-Cheng Hung, Brian T.-A. Chang, Tsu-Lin Lee, Zhi-Han Lin, I-Kuen Tsai, Yao-Sheng Chen, Chin-Shuo Chang, Yi-Fang Tsai, Kelvin H.-C. Chen, Sunney I. Chan*, Steve S.-F. Yu* The PmoB Subunit of Particulate Methane Monooxygenase (pMMO) in Methylococcus capsulatus (Bath): The CuI Sponge and its Function. JOURNAL OF INORGANIC BIOCHEMISTRY 2019-04, .
- Wanna Wondemagegn Hailemichael, Ramu Ravirala, Janmanchi Damodar, Tsai Yi-Fang, Thiyagarajan Natarajan, Yu Steve S.-F.* An efficient and recyclable copper nano-catalyst for the selective oxidation of benzene to p-benzoquinone (p-BQ) using H2O2(aq) in CH3CN. Journal of Catalysis 2019-02, 370, 332-346.
- Thiyagarajan Natarajan, Janmanchi Damodar, Tsai Yi-Fang, Wanna Wondemagegn Hailemichael, Ramu Ravirala, Chan Sunney I.*, Zen Jyh-Myng*, Yu Steve S.-F.* A Carbon Electrode Functionalized by a Tricopper Cluster Complex: Overcoming Overpotential and Production of Hydrogen Peroxide in the Oxygen Reduction Reaction. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2018-04, 57, DOI 10.1002/anie.20171226.
- Yeh Chen-Hao, Yu Steve S.-F., Chan Sunney I., Jiang Jyh-Chiang* Quantum Chemical Studies of Methane Oxidation to Methanol on a Biomimetic Tricopper Complex: Mechanistic Insights. ChemistrySelect 2018, 3(18) 5113-5122.
- Liu Chih-Cheng, Janmanchi Damodar, Wen Da-Ren, Oung Jung-Nan, Mou Chung-Yuan, Yu Steve S.-F., Chan Sunney I. Catalytic Oxidation of Light Alkanes Mediated at Room Temperature by a Tricopper Cluster Complex Immobilized in Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2018, 6(4), 5431-5440.
- Ravirala Ramu, Wondemagegn Hailemichael Wanna, Damodar Janmanchi, Yi-Fang Tsai, Chih-Cheng Liu, Chung-Yuan Mou, Steve S.-F. Yu* Mechanistic study for the selective oxidation of benzene and toluene catalyzed by Fe(ClO4)2 in an H2O2 -H2O-CH3CN system. Molecular Catalysis 2017-11, 441, 114-121.
- Yi-Fang Tsai, Wen-I Luo, Jen-Lin Chang, Chun-Wei Chang, Huai-Chun Chuang, Ravirala Ramu, Guor-Tzo Wei, Jyh-Myng Zen, Steve S.-F. Yu* Electrochemical Hydroxylation of C3–C12 n-Alkanes by Recombinant Alkane Hydroxylase (AlkB) and Rubredoxin-2 (AlkG) from Pseudomonas putida GPo1. Scientific Reports 2017-08, 7(1), DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-08610-w.
- Vincent C.-C. Wang, Suman Maji, Peter P.-Y. Chen, Hung Kay Lee, Steve S.-F. Yu, Sunney I. Chan* Alkane Oxidation: Methane Monooxygenases, Related Enzymes, and Their Biomimetics. Chemical Reviews 2017-07, 117(13), 8574-8621.
- Chung-Ling Yang, Cheng-Hung Lin, Wen-I Luo, Tsu-Lin Lee, Ravirala Ramu, Kok Yaoh Ng, Yi-Fang Tsai, Guor-Tzo Wei, Steve S.-F. Yu* Mechanistic Study of the Stereoselective Hydroxylation of [2-2H1,3-2H1]Butanes Catalyzed by Cytochrome P450 BM3 Variants. Chemistry - A European Journal 2017-02, 23(11), 2571-2582.
- Chih-Cheng Liu, Ravirala Ramu, Sunney I. Chan*, Chung-Yuan Mou*, Steve S.-F. Yu* Chemistry in confined space: a strategy for selective oxidation of hydrocarbons with high catalytic efficiencies and conversion yields under ambient conditions. Catalysis Science & Technology 2016-09, 6. 7623-7630.
- Chih-Cheng Liu, Chung-Yuan Mou, Steve S.-F. Yu, Sunney I. Chan* Heterogeneous formulation of the tricopper complex for efficient catalytic conversion of methane into methanol at ambient temperature and pressure. Energy & Environmental Science 2016-01, 9, 1361-1374.
- Minh D. Pham, Ya-Ping Lin, Quan Van Vuong, Penumaka Nagababu,m Brian T.-A. Chang, Kok Yaoh Ng, Chien-Hung Chen, Chau-Chung Han, Chung-Hsuan Chen, Mai Suan Li, Steve S.-F. Yu*, Sunney I. Chan* Inactivation of the particulate methane monooxygenase (pMMO) in Methylococcus capsulatus (Bath) by acetylene.. BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-PROTEINS AND PROTEOMICS 2015, 1854(12), 1842-52.
- Chen Kelvin H.-C.*, Chuankhayan Phimonphan, Wu Hsin-Hui, Chen Chun-Jung, Fukuda Mitsuhiro, Yu Steve S.-F., Chan Sunney I. The bacteriohemerythrin from Methylococcus capsulatus (Bath): Crystal structures reveal that Leu114 regulates a water tunnel. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 2015, 150, 81-89.
- Nai-Ti Lin, Kamani Satyanarayana, Chih-Hsien Chen, Yi-Fang Tsai, Steve S.-F. Yu, Sunney I. Chan, Tien-Yau Luh Controlling the Orientation of Pendants in Two-Dimensional Comb-Like Polymers by Varying Stiffness of Polymeric Backbones. MACROMOLECULES 2014-09, 47(18), 6166-6172.
- Yao-Sheng Chen, Wen-I Luo, Chung-Ling Yang, Yi-Jung Tu, Chun-Wei Chang, Chih-Hsiang Chiang, Chi-Yao Chang, Sunney I. Chan, Steve S.-F. Yu* Controlled Oxidation of Aliphatic C-H bonds in Metallo-Monooxygenases: Mechanistic Insights Derived from Studies on Deuterated and Fluorinated Hydrocarbons (Early Career Focused Review, Cover Art). JOURNAL OF INORGANIC BIOCHEMISTRY 2014-05, 134, 118-133.
- Penumaka Nagababu, Steve S.-F. Yu, Suman Maji, Ravirala Ramu and Sunney I. Chan* Developing an efficient catalyst for controlled oxidation of small alkanes under ambient conditions (cover art). CATALYSIS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2014-04, 4, 930-935.
- Wang DR, Hsiao JC, Wong CH, Li GC, Lin SC, Yu SSF, Chen W, Chang W, Tzou DL Vaccinia Viral Protein A27 is Anchored to the Viral Membrane via a Cooperative Interaction with Viral Membrane Protein A17.. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 2014-03, 289, 6639-6655.
- Peter P.-Y. Chen, Penumaka Nagababu, Steve S.-F. Yu, Sunney I. Chan* Development of the Tricopper Cluster as a Catalyst for the Efficient Conversion of Methane into MeOH. CHEMCATCHEM 2014-02, 6, 429-437.
- Yao-Sheng Chen, Wen-I Luo, Tsu-Lin Lee, Steve S.-F. Yu*, Chi-Yao Chang* Identification of the proteins required for fatty acid desaturation in zebrafish (Danio rerio). BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS 2013-11, 440(4), 671-6.
- Chih-Hsiang Chiang, Ravirala Ramu, Yi-Jung Tu, Chung-Ling Yang, Kok Yaoh Ng, Wen-I Luo, Charles H. Chen, Yu-Ying Lu, Chen-Lun Liu, Steve S.-F. Yu* Regioselective Hydroxylation of C12-C15 Fatty Acids with Fluorinated Substituents by Cytochrome P450 BM3 (highlighted as a frontispiece of the issue). CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL 2013-10, 19 (41),13680-13691.
- Sunney I. Chan*, Yu-Jhang Lu, Penumaka Nagababu, Suman Maji, Mu-Cheng Hung, Marianne M. Lee, I-Jui Hsu, Pham Dinh Minh, Jeff C.-H. Lai, Kok Yoah Ng, Sridevi Ramalingam, Steve S.-F. Yu*, Michael K. Chan* Efficient Oxidation of Methane to Methanol by Dioxygen Mediated by Tricopper Clusters. ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION 2013-03, 52, 3731-3735.
- Minh D. Pham, Steve S.-F. Yu, Chau-Chung Han*, Sunney I. Chan* Improved mass spectrometric analysis of membrane proteins based on rapid and versatile sample preparation on nanodiamond particles.. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 2013, 85(14), 6748-55.
- Penumaka Nagababu, Suman Maji, Manyam Praveen Kumar, Peter, P.-Y. Chen, Steve S.-F Yu*, Sunney I. Chan* Efficient room-temperature oxidation of hydrocarbons mediated by tricopper cluster complexes with different ligands. ADVANCED SYNTHESIS & CATALYSIS 2012, 354, 3275-3282.
- Suman Maji, Jason C.-M. Lee, Yu-Jhang Lu, Chang-Li Chen, Mu-Cheng Hung, Peter P.-Y. Chen, Steve S.-F. Yu, Sunney I. Chan* Dioxygen Activation of a Trinuclear CuICuICuI Cluster Capable of Mediating Facile Oxidation of Organic Substrates: Competition between O-Atom Transfer and Abortive Inter-cluster Reduction. CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL 2012, 18(13), 3955-3968.
- Feng-Chun Lo, Jyh-Fu Lee, Wen-Feng Liaw, I-Jui Hsu*, Yi-Fang Tsai, Sunney I. Chan, Steve S.-F. Yu* The Metal Core Structures in the Recombinant Escherichia coli Transcriptional Factor SoxR. CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL 2012, 18(9), 2565-2577.
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